Thursday 10 August 2023

Schnitzer Steel in Oakland has history of fires

(KRON) -- An air quality advisory has been issued in the Bay Area due to the potential health hazards in the wake of the fire. A history of environmental violations at Schnitzer Steel is receiving scrutiny in the wake of the incident.

Flames from Wednesday's large debris pile fire at Schnitzer Steel in West Oakland may have been contained to the site, but concerns regarding the hazardous smoke from the fire still linger.

"If you smell smoke, it's best to stay indoors with the windows and doors closed," Bay Area Air Quality Management District spokesperson Tina Landis said.

An air quality advisory has been extended through Thursday.

"We are still seeing some smoke impacts localized around the fire. Oakland, Berkeley area," Landis said. "Smoke went all the way to the South Bay. We're watching it very closely. We have inspectors on the scene"

The air district inspectors will help determine whether or not any violations were committed during this incident

"Since 2018, the air district has issued 13 notices of violations to Schnitzer Steel," Landis said.

In 2021, an investigation of alleged environmental law violations led to a $4.1 million settlement between Schnitzer Steel and the California Department of Substances Control

"But schnitzer steel, with this lawsuit, never upgraded its operation," said Margaret Gordon who is the resident founder of the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project.

Gordon says the smoke from the fire is a major concern for at-risk and vulnerable community members in the area.

"It's about eight schools, a senior center, and senior housing. There's affordable housing. Childcare centers. We have a medical center. One of the things we need to find out is how many people, based on the next 72 hours, had to go to emergency for raspatory problems," Gordon said.

She says her organization will be working on getting those numbers. KRON4 reached out to get a statement from radius recycling, which is the new brand and assumed name of Schnitzer Steel, we are standing by for a reply.

from KRON4

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