Monday 14 August 2023

Baseball equipment stolen from Rodeo little league

RODEO, Calif. (KRON) – A Bay Area little league team is stunned and saddened after they found most of their baseball equipment stolen.

Someone broke into the Rodeo Baseball League sheds, causing a lot of damage, and ran off with thousands of dollars of equipment. The loss is a lot for the small league to shoulder.

Little League baseball is supreme in the tiny East Bay town. With the season on the line, the kids are crushed someone would steal from them.

“They are upset and asking questions… Why would anybody take from Rodeo baseball?” said league mom and board member Heather Farmer.

The little league players are used to stealing bases, but the 14-and-under youth league is not at all okay with someone stealing most of their equipment.

“They spent some time trying to cut that lock. The lock is this far from being cut open,” Farmer said.

The thief also destroyed the walls of the two storage sheds. Now missing are a lot of items from the snack shack, including an iPad, a pizza machine, and several propane tanks. Also gone is some expensive equipment, like pitching machines.

No cash is missing, and no cameras caught the crime. This could have happened anytime between Wednesday, Aug. 9 and Saturday night.

Farmer totaled the loss at $5-7 thousand in equipment and $10,000 in property damage.

“We have no idea who did it or why, but it takes away from the kids and from the youth and makes our job a lot harder than it needs to be,” she said.

The season starts in two weeks, leaving little time for the nonprofit in this small town to replace and rebuild. Donations are desperately needed.

“We are not going to stop the season and allow us to do what we do best.”

People can help by donating to the league’s GoFundMe. You can also reach out to the team if you can donate your time or materials.

Perhaps the Oakland A‘s or the San Francisco Giants will see this and can also step up to the plate and help these little leaguers out.

from KRON4

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