Sunday 30 July 2023

San Francisco small business burglarized 7 times since pandemic

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- Kung Food, a small business near Alamo Square, was broken into recently. This incident marks the seventh time the San Francisco business has been vandalized or broken into since 2020.

Despite reaching out to local leaders and police, owner Andy Yang has not received any help. The business has signs posted outside letting potential criminals know there is no money inside.

"Posting a sign in front of our door is really our last resort. As a way to express our frustration and our discontentment with our city officials," said Yang.

The store's video surveillance shows a man breaking the door open and heading straight to the cash register. He managed to get $100 from the register, along with two iPads.

"The repair cost us about $500," said Yang. "There's a bus stop right next to us. If people spot that it's open, they're just going to come in and trash the place."

According to Yang, the break-ins have been an ongoing issue. Back in 2019, he appeared on KRON4 after Kung Food's first break-in. "Tried to contact District 5 Dean Preston, the supervisor of our district, but just no avail," said Yang.

Dean Preston's office told KRON4 they sympathize with what has happened but have no record of Yang reaching out to them.

He said after one of the break-ins, police made an arrest, but the case ended up being dismissed after Yang appeared in court. "What can I do right? That's how the justice system is set up. It's not for small businesses, especially here in the city," said Yang.

Kung Food's lease ends in February 2024. Yang says he does not want to move his business but if the break-ins continue to happen, he might be forced to.

from KRON4

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