Tuesday 1 November 2022

Politicians speak out about political violence after Pelosi attack

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Court papers filed Tuesday clued investigators in on David DePape's intentions. DePape is accused of breaking into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home and beating her husband, Paul.

Court papers also say he allegedly had other targets, including local professors, prominent state and federal politicians, and their families.

"We have become a society that thinks it's acceptable to incite violent acts against our political leaders and we can't be that type of America," San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said. 

Jenkins appealed to Americans to tone down the political rhetoric while vowing to hold DePape accountable. Her message was echoed by San Francisco supervisor Matt Dorsey.

"We have to make sure that we are all in unanimous agreement that that kind of thing is unacceptable and wherever you are on the political spectrum you have to take a strong public stance against that," he said.

Dorsey says that he got an emergency text saying something happened at Nancy Pelosi's house early Friday morning. He said he assumed it was a protest or vandalism, but was shocked when he found out it was an attack. 

"Several years ago there was a member of congress who was shot by a far-left activist," he said.

Threats against lawmakers and elections officials have been at all-time highs leading up to the November midterm elections – the first nationwide race since the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

Authorities have even issued warnings about rising extremism in the U.S. In an interview with CBS on Saturday, Governor Gavin Newsom discussed the possibility that a lawmaker could be killed by the public. 

“I don't want to feed that by even suggesting that's possible but what evidence suggests it's not?" he asked.

Newsom even insinuated that he's received threatening emails.

"I know what over the last three years has come in my inbox. Trust me you don't, because I'm not sharing it,” he said. “I don't even share it with my wife."

U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger says elected officials should have more security in today's climate. In a statement released today he said in part:

"Friday's attack against Paul Pelosi is an alarming reminder of the dangerous threats elected officials and public figures face during today's contentious political climate. We believe today's political climate calls for more resources to provide additional layers of physical security for members of congress."

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/K9aOGTM

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