Tuesday 29 November 2022

These propositions are already attempting to make the California ballot in 2024

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KTXL) — Votes for the 2022 general election are still being counted but efforts are already underway to get certain measures and constitutional amendments on the 2024 California ballot.

There are currently eight proposals at various stages in the submission process.

Eligible to appear on the ballot

Pandemic prevention tax

This constitutional amendment would increase income tax 0.75% for people earning more than $5 million for 10 years. The money raised would be used for public health programs aimed at pandemic preparedness, improving school disease transmission prevention and creating the California Institute for Pandemic Prevention.

Repeal employees' ability to sue employers over labor law violations

This measure would repeal a 2004 California law that allowed employees to sue their employer for monetary damages when they've violated state labor laws.

Raises state minimum wage to $18 an hour over three years

This measure would raise the minimum wage by a dollar every year until it reaches $18 an hour. The measure also allows the governor to suspend the increase in two situations: "periods of decreased economic activity, or General Fund deficit."

Signatures submitted

Raise vote requirement to 2/3 for passage of local taxes

This constitutional amendment would require that state taxes can only be enacted with a two-thirds vote by the legislature and would also require voters to approve the tax increase.

The proposed amendment also increases the threshold for voters to pass local special taxes. Those would require a two-thirds vote to pass.

Gathering signatures

Requires the state to pay alimony

This measure would require the state to pay for alimony (when it is court ordered) following a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, or child custody proceeding.

Blocks creation of fast food council

This measure would block the implementation of a law passed in 2022 that would create a council to oversee the working conditions of fast-food employees.

Blocks banning new oil and gas wells near schools

This measure would block a law aimed at banning oil and gas wells within 3,200 feet of certain places like housing, schools and healthcare facilities.

Proposal submitted

Right to high-quality public education

The proposed constitutional amendment has not yet been officially summarized by the Secretary of State's office but the language in the submitted paperwork states that it would prohibit any state or local law, regulation, policy, or official action that "denies or abridges the right to a high-quality public education" or "does not put the interests of students first."

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/YWDSeZr

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