Wednesday 26 October 2022

Two Oakland mayoral candidates form a strategic alliance

OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) -- The Oakland mayoral race is close with two candidates in razor thin margins, according to the Oakland Chamber of Commerce poll. 

Oakland Chamber of Commerce mayoral poll

Mayoral candidates Loren Taylor and Treva Reid joined forces on Wednesday, publicly encouraging their supporters to close the circle on rank-choice voting. This would in turn help to improve the odds that one of them will be elected as Oakland’s new mayor next month.

“For those who have watched the council, this alliance is not new,” said Loren Taylor, Oakland mayoral candidate.

“Responding to feedback, this strategy works to bring change to Oakland,” said Treva Reid, Oakland mayoral candidate.

Rank-choice voting allows voters to delineate other choices following their top pick. For example, while Don Perata won the most first-place votes back in 2010, Jean Quan picked up both second and third-choice votes, allowing her to win the mayoral race.

KRON4 political analyst Michael Yaki said when candidates share common platforms, it can be a good strategy to team up like candidates Taylor and Reid. Not all candidates are choosing that path.

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“I do not have someone I am teaming up with,” said Sheng Thao, Oakland mayoral candidate. She comes in second in the Oakland Chamber of Commerce poll.

Thao said rather than finding a political partner, she is focused on her campaign and goals. “I am not status quo. I am not supported by the outgoing mayor. I am a change candidate,” said Sheng Thao.

KRON4 reached out to Ignacio de la Fuente, who ranks third place according to the poll, but have not heard back.

from KRON4

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