Wednesday 25 May 2022

VTA to hold vigil 1 year after mass shooting

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) -- The Texas mass shooting comes nearly one year since the VTA rail yard mass shooting in San Jose.

On May 26, 2021, nine people were killed after a disgruntled employee open fired. Thursday, residents plan on having a candlelight vigil here for the victims starting at 6:30 p.m.

They will be honoring 10 victims. Nine were killed in the shooting and the 10th took his own life a few months after experiencing the mass shooting. The trains will blow their horn for each victim.

KRON4 spoke to California State Senator Dave Cortese, who has helped secure funding for the VTA to recover, also a bill working its way through the California legislature that he thinks would help stop mass school shootings.

"Require school officials to contact police immediately upon a perceived threat, on a magnitude that implies firearm safety is in play, that call needs to be made immediately and we need to make that clear through this legislation," Cortese said.

Cortese says the bill now headed to the state assembly, has strong bipartisan support. He says it’s a time for action, not inaction. As the families tomorrow coming here, will remember their loved ones who were killed one year ago.

from KRON4

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