Monday 14 February 2022

Girls discover Indiana inmate's cave hideout

(WANE) - Indiana conservation officers have dismantled the elevated cave hideout of a convicted felon.

In a Facebook post Monday, the Department of Natural Resources said a girls youth group came across a "recently abandoned campsite and associated trash in a very remote cave on their property overlooking a high, rugged bluff." The location was not revealed.

Indiana conservation officers tracked down the homesteader - in jail, incarcerated on unrelated charges, the post said. He is a convicted felon with a lengthy criminal history, and was "just looking for a good temporary hideout," the post added.

Conservation officers informed him that he was trespassing "and that his home on the Indiana frontier was being dismantled."

The man was not identified, and it's unclear if he'll face any charges.

"If you’re going to play mountain man, do it on your own property, or get permission first," Indiana DNR officials said. "Privately owned caves, just like any other property, regardless of posted signs or not, require permission from the landowners and are subject to the same criminal trespass laws."

from KRON4

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