Monday 28 February 2022

Faith leaders urge Oakland school district to pause closures

OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) - Faith leaders in Oakland are weighing in on school closures scheduled to start in June.

The Oakland School board voted earlier this month, approving the closure or merger of 11 schools.

On Monday, the group Faith In Action gathered in front of the Oakland Unified School District Office to express their concerns about the plan.

Faith Leaders in Oakland say this is an equity issue and they worry about how Oakland’s plan to close schools will affect the education of students of color.

Pastors, Bishops, and City Councilmembers in Oakland gathered Monday to ask OUSD to pause the decision for school closures and mergers.

Pastor Michael Wallace of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church says that will allow time for a study to see how students of color will be impacted.

“An independent equity analysis centered on black and brown children of any and all school mergers, consolidations,"

Michael Wallace, Pastor Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, said.

Faith In Action is also calling for an independent analysis on how budgeting decisions in the district impact the city’s schools of predominantly black students.

City Councilmember Noel Gallo spent 20 years on the Oakland Board of Education.

He attended Monday’s press conference to stand in solidarity with the requests made by faith leaders.

“Having your child attend the same school throughout the earlier years allows them to develop relationships with the adults and children in that environment," Gallo said.

While members of Oakland’s churches expressed their disagreement with the majority of the city’s school board, they also denounced recent acts of violence directed towards board members over their vote to close schools.

“Rocks thrown through their windows, cable chords cut. There’s no room in this level of debate for continued violence," Wallace said.

OUSD responded to the requests made by faith leaders, saying in a statement:

“OUSD appreciates the support of the faith-based community for our school communities. The Board of Education voted to consolidate schools on February 8 and reaffirmed that decision on February 18. The District is now focused on carrying out the directions from the Board and ensuring a smooth transition for all impacted students.”

Councilmember Gallo says the city isn’t willing to wait on the school board to make a decision on pausing closures and mergers and is working with Governor Newsom to allocate emergency funds to keep Oakland’s schools open.

from KRON4

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