Thursday 22 July 2021

Burglars hit vintage toy store in San Francisco's Inner Richmond again

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - A popular San Francisco cafe and ice cream store in the Inner Richmond was broken into early Wednesday morning and what they took might surprise you.

A suspect stole a vintage toy collection at Toy Boat by Jane on Clement Street.

What makes this even more bizarre is that this is the second time the toys were stolen from the cafe within a year. 

The owner thinks this suspect is the same person who stole the toys back in October when posing as a window repair person.

She says this boggles her mind because the toys don't have much value and the actual cost of the damage left behind is far greater.

Part of the vibrant vintage toy collection that welcomes customers into their store is now gone. That's after the suspect seen in this surveillance video broke the top windows and stole a handful of toys.

“The windows were broken out with a BB gun so we came in and there were BB's on the floor and that's also a little bit of a weird feeling that somebody's that sort of pre-meditated to come and shoot out the windows and break the glass in,” Amanda Michael said.

Owner Amanda Michael is far too familiar with a bizarre theft like this.

“When it starts to feel so specific and targeted, it's definitely more unsettling just than the random window graffiti,” Michael said.

The same thing happened back in October when the store's windows were broken and someone posing as a window repair person came in and stole a collection of toys from the shelves.

Since then, Michael replaced the vintage Godzilla toys taken and the community graciously donated other items for the window display. Those were the toys taken this time.

“The value to us and what they symbolize for the kids, they don't have high monetary value. It's sentimental value but you have somebody committing a crime that's hurtful to people for really no inherent value. I think that's the part where you're like "really? You have to steal toys that are on display for kids?" it doesn't make a lot of sense,” Michael said.

Meanwhile, the damage left behind cost her business much more than the theft itself. Now, Michael says some of the toy collection may be gone for good.

“If it's that much of a draw for somebody we'd rather just eliminate it. we're kinda bummed about it but you can't do the same thing over and over and not expect it to happen again,” Michael said.

While some of the toys are gone, the owner, Amanda Michael, says the spirit of the shop will continue.

On a brighter note tomorrow, the cafe is celebrating "Toy Boat Day" for its 39 years in business.

from KRON4

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