Wednesday 28 July 2021

Bay Area school district starts first day back for students

BRENTWOOD, Calif. (KRON) -- Some students in the Bay Area are already starting their first day back at school on Wednesday.

The first day of the fall 2021 school year for Brentwood Union School District is July 28, and kids were excited to crowd into Marsh Creek Elementary this morning.

It's the first time the school is operating at 100 percent capacity since March 2020.

The schools' principal said it's a celebration - but COVID-19 transmission is still a concern and rules are in place to keep the kids safe.

Face masks are mandatory inside classrooms and hallways, but optional outdoors. School visitors are still limited and the facilities have sanitization stations spread around.

However, social distancing won't be enforced when masks are on - allowing teachers to seat kids together during instruction and during lunch.

This comes from guidance provided by the California Department of Health.

Adults in the building also have to wear face masks, regardless of vaccination status.

California schools are required to report COVID-19 cases to their local public health department and will help investigators with contact tracing.

All seven of BUSD's elementary schools and three middle schools are returning to in-person learning Wednesday.

from KRON4

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