Thursday 25 May 2023

Majority of Californians think Dianne Feinstein is unfit to serve in Senate: Poll

(KRON) -- U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-San Francisco) previously announced she would not seek reelection in 2024 but said she would finish out her term following an extended absence from the Senate due to health issues. But the majority of Californians don't even think she should finish out her term, according to a poll conducted by the University of California, Berkeley.

Two-thirds of Californians believe Feinstein is unfit to serve on the Senate after returning to work following health issues just last week, according to the poll released Thursday. Many agree that she should resign immediately and allow Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint someone in her place. Sixty-seven percent of respondents blamed the senator's recent health issues, agreeing with the statement, "Feinstein’s latest illness underlines the fact that she is no longer fit to continue serving in the U.S. Senate.”

Democrats and Republicans alike agree that Newsom should appoint a successor for Feinstein, the poll showed.

Democrats and liberals agree that Feinstein should resign at a ratio of about two-to-one while Republicans favor her resignation at about three-to-one, the poll revealed.

While many believe that Newsom appointing a new senator to finish out Feinstein's term (52 percent) "would benefit the state because a successor could better represent California’s interests in the Senate," according to the poll, many also agree that her replacement should be chosen by the voters, not the governor (56 percent). About 21 percent of people said she should be able to finish out her term and 31 percent are undecided.

Additionally, just 29 percent of voters still view Feinstein positively overall, down eight points from February and almost 20 points since her run in 2018, according to the poll.

Doubts surrounding Feinstein seem to stem from calls for her resignation by Bay Area Democratic Representative Ro Khanna as well as New York Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Conversely, Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton recently defended Feinstein saying she should not resign in an interview with Time.

The poll also asked voters about their 2024 primary election preferences for the position with Republican candidate and attorney Eric Early with 18 percent of the vote, Democratic Congresswoman Katie Porter at 17 percent, Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff at 14 percent and Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee at 9 percent. About 32 percent said they are undecided and 10 percent said they would support someone else, according to the poll.

Read the full poll results here.

from KRON4

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