Saturday 28 January 2023

Bay Area police departments respond to the death of Tyre Nichols

(KRON) -- Police departments across the Bay Area have weighed in on the brutal death of Tyre Nichols after body cam footage was released to the public Friday evening. Nichols was killed after he was beaten by Memphis police officers during a traffic stop earlier this month.

San Francisco Police Department

San Ramon Police Chief Denton Carlson

Oakland Police Department

"The women and men of the Oakland Police Department are deeply troubled and disturbed by the released video involving Tyre Nichols and members of the Memphis Police Department. We stand with our community in denouncing this incident and all incidents of police brutality. Those who engage in this type of behavior have no place in our profession. Community trust and confidence are essential to police legitimacy. This incident impacts us all in law enforcement and throughout our Nation. To our community, the incident in Memphis is painful, however, it does not represent the women and men of the Oakland Police Department. The members of the Oakland Police Department are committed to building trust and strengthening community relationships. We train our officers to uphold the values of fairness, dignity, and respect. We extend our deepest condolences to Tyre Nichols’ family and community."

Antioch Police Department

Novato Police Chief Beth Johnson

"Feelings of shock, sadness, and anger may overwhelm us after watching the videos of Mr. Trye Nichols’ death play out at the hands of five Memphis police officers. The actions of the officers violated the fundamental values of our profession. While the justice system has begun the process of accountability for the involved officers, I want to acknowledge the pain this incident has caused and to reassure our community this heinous act does not represent the values, principles, and training of the Novato Police Department. Every member of our department is dedicated to serving this community with integrity, decency, and compassion. This devastating situation and failure to preserve life, reminds us to always stand up for what is right and to stand together through adversity." 

Santa Clara Police Department

Walnut Creek Police Department

Fremont Police Chief Sean Washington

"Words cannot express my disappointment in what appears to be a disregard for life and inhumane treatment of others. In a moment, a family has lost a loved one; a community is fractured; the excellent work happening every day at more than 18,000 law enforcement agencies across the U.S. is undermined. I denounce and condemn these actions and expect law enforcement personnel to feel the same. Fremont Police Department profoundly values the sanctity of life and strives to earn our community’s trust daily. We are expected to perform our duties with respect, fairness, and dignity. I believe we have one of the most professional, competent, and capable police departments in the nation. We trust our personnel to deliver service consistent with community expectations and aligned with law and policy."

San Jose Police Department

Berkeley Police Department

"The men and women of the Berkeley Police Department condemn, and are appalled by, the incident involving Memphis Police Officers that led to the tragic death of Tyre Nichols.  The impact of excessive force is profoundly disturbing and undermines our efforts to build and maintain trust with our diverse community; a trust that we understand is essential to community policing. The Berkeley Police Department remains committed to upholding our core values of service with integrity, respect and professionalism at all times, to every community member. We stand with our community in denouncing this incident and all incidents of police brutality. This never should have happened to Tyre Nichols and we offer our sincerest condolences to his family and friends."

Sausalito Police Department

Menlo Park Police Department

Marin County Sheriff Jamie Scardina

"After viewing the video from the Memphis Police Department, I am shocked, angry and frustrated. While the officers are being held accountable and their consequences will be determined in a court of law, there is no doubt that their actions will impact Law Enforcement as a whole. I want to make it clear that the Marin County Sheriff’s Office considers the actions of the police officers in Memphis to be against everything we believe. We will continue our hard work of making sure that everyone our personnel encounters is treated with decency and fairness."

Pacifica Police Department

San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus

“What we saw in that video was indefensible, sickening, and beyond understanding. This is a sad day for Mr. Nichols’ family and our nation. What I saw those police officers do to Tyre Nichols is deeply disturbing, and their actions stain our profession. I condemn what’s seen in this video in the strongest possible terms. The actions of these officers greatly damaged the trust between law enforcement and the communities we serve. But I will redouble my commitment to serving, protecting, and engaging with our communities with compassion, respect, integrity, and dignity.”

Millbrae Chief of Police Services Eamonn Allen

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Hayward Police Department

“The men and women of the Hayward Police Department take an oath to protect and defend The Constitution and the people we serve. Unfortunately, the actions of a few are sometimes associated with the entirety of our profession. Despite this, we remain steadfast in our efforts to safeguard everyone in our community, and we collectively stand against those who would engage in unnecessary, illegitimate acts of violence against others. We remain committed to the preservation of human life and hold ourselves to the highest standards in partnership with our community and elected officials to ensure dignity and safety for all,” said Acting Chief Bryan Matthews.

from KRON4

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