Wednesday 27 October 2021

Harambe statue and 10,000 bananas show up at Facebook headquarters: why

SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) -- A huge statue of Harambe appeared at the Facebook headquarters this week, traveling all the way from Wall Street after a stare down with the Charging Bull.

Harambe was killed at the Cincinnati Zoo in 2016 when a child climbed into his exhibit. Since then, the nation has mourned his death and turned him into an internet icon. He was even a write-in candidate for the 2016 presidential election, although reports of his popularity on the ballots have been greatly exaggerated.

Now, Harambe also lives on as a 7-foot-tall statue being used in demonstrations by Sapien, a social media platform in-progress.

The bronze statue faced the 'like' sign in Menlo Park, with 10,000 bananas covering the area underneath on Tuesday. Harambe was there for over an hour and and it was a peaceful demonstration, Sapien told KRON.

(Courtesy: Sapien Network)

Sapien said both of its recent demonstrations are meant to show that "the dominant power structures created by financial institutions like Wall Street and technology empires like Facebook have become wholly out of touch with the needs of everyday people, using them for profit instead of empowering them as they claim to do."

In a comment to KRON, Facebook said:

"At the heart of these stories is a premise which is false. Yes, we're a business and we make profit, but the idea that we do so at the expense of people's safety or wellbeing misunderstands where our own commercial interests lie. The truth is we’re on track to spend more than $5 billion this year alone on safety and security and have over 40,000 people to do one job: keep people safe on Facebook.”

Chloe Meyere, a Facebook company spokesperson

The boxes of bananas will be donated to Bay Area food banks, Sapien said.

It's to be seen where Harambe will pop up next.

from KRON4

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