Tuesday 29 June 2021

Confusion over new mask recommendations

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) - Increased circulation of the Delta variant has caused L.A. County health officials to recommend everyone wear a mask inside, but don't look for similar advice in the Bay Area.

"At this point, there is no indication in Marin County based on what we are seeing for people to mask up outdoors period or indoors if they are vaccinated," said Marin County deputy health officer Dr. Lisa Santora.

Marin County sticking with state and CDC. guidelines due to low cases rates and the fact that 90% of its eligible residents have received at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine. but marin county is not alone, in fact all 9 bay area counties are sticking with state and cdc guidance.

"It should not be copied in the Bay Area to wear a mask if you are vaccinated indoors."

UCSF Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Monica Gandhi says Bay Area counties are making the right choice, due to the fact that vaccines work.

"Vaccines are very effective in preventing you from getting viral infections including the delta variant and they block transmission so you are ability to pass it on even if you do get it in your nose," Dr. Gandhi said.

L.A. County mask for all recommendations is similar to one issued Friday by the World Health Organization, but members of the White House COVID response team point out that the unlike the CDC, the World Health Organization must take a broader approach when making recommendations.

"There are different levels of vax rates in different parts of the world and virus spread in different part of the world and the WHO is looking at it from a very global perspective," said White House COVID-19 response Dr. Cameron Webb.

So for now, no changes to masking guidance in the Bay Area or from the state health department, but they will be keeping their eyes on the case rate and the Delta variant.

If changes are needed down the road, they will make them.

from KRON4 https://ift.tt/3qAnkWS

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