Friday 28 May 2021

California AG plans to curb gun violence after San Jose shooting

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) – Following the mass shooting in San Jose, California Attorney General Rob Bonta says the state's gun laws are working, but there is still more that can be done to address the issue of gun violence.

"We need to also turn that pain, that sadness, that frustration, that anger into action to make sure we're doing everything possible to save lives and prevent additional gun violence tragedies from occurring in the future," he said. "We are making ourselves safer here in California because of our laws. We're not saving every life, it is still possible even given our laws that tragedies can strike as they have here and it's a time for reflection and review to see what else can be done."

In the early review stages of the shooting, Bonta says raising awareness of California's gun violence restraining order law could be the first step.

Anyone who could be a threat to themselves or others can have their guns taken away by court order. Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors who are concerned can start the process by going to the court directly or calling the police.

"There were some signs here as we're learning. A notebook that the shooter had prepared with frustration and disappointment and anger about his workplace," Bonta explained. "It would be interesting to see if there are other signs along the way where an individual may have been able to take advantage of the gun violence restraining order to protect lives and save lives."

Bonta says right now lawmakers are reviewing the facts coming out of the case to see what else can be done to avoid such a horrific event.

KRON4 asked if there are indirect ways to address gun violence such as behavioral health in the workplace or mental health more broadly.

"To the extent, mental health is an issue nationally, and throughout the state of California, we can in so many ways do more to remove the stigma around mental health," Bonta said. "Provide more support resources, programming, services to address mental health in all its many forms including in the workplace including for folks who may turn to violence and use a firearm."

"Let's make sure that we take this moment of reflection to thoughtfully move forward to make us safer as a state," he continued.

The California Department of Justice sent two bomb-detecting dogs down to San Jose because of the concern with explosive materials.

Bonta says his office continues to stand ready to help in whatever way possible.

from KRON4

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