Wednesday 28 April 2021

San Jose city officials pass legislation to fine $10K for illegal dumping

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) -- San Jose city officials passed legislation Wednesday to increase the fines for illegal dumping within the city to $10,000.

The bill unanimously passed 5-0 on Wednesday.

San Jose Councilmember Sergio Jimenez and San Jose Planning Commissioner Rolando Bonilla made the announcement after walking through East San Jose and others parts of the city.

Both city officials determined it was critical that illegal dumping become apriority for the city of San Jose.

“Although we are in a pandemic, we will not allow anyone to turn our communities into dumping yards,” Bonilla said. “It is clear to me that the City of San Jose must take a no-nonsense approach against those who seek to disrespect our communities with this behavior. San Jose residents deserve better.” 

San Jose currently has three levels for fines, with $2,500 being the fine for the first offense, and $10,000 for a third offense.

Under the proposed legislation, the city of San Jose would eliminate the tier system and make all fines for illegal dumping a $10,000 offense.

“When it comes to illegal dumping, there should not be a three strikes approach, as it sends the wrong message to those seeking to harm our communities,” Jimenez said. “Our residents work hard to maintain our neighborhoods, and for that reason our city owes it to them to give them the support they need to protect our communities from illegal dumping.” 

Councilmember Jimenez will introduce the legislation at the April 28 San Jose City Council Rules Committee meeting.

from KRON4

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